Areas Of Law

Practice Areas

Bankruptcy/Farm Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy Law β€” Mallet with Bankruptcy book in Hutchinson, KS

Our firm will help you determine which chapter of the federal Bankruptcy Code is applicable to you to best meet your financial needs and will assist you throughout the entire bankruptcy process.  Our bankruptcy team has the highest percentage of successful reorganization bankruptcies with confirmed plans under both Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 of the federal Bankruptcy Code.  Our firm has handled multiple large agriculture and commercial Chapter 11 filings, as well as multiple Chapter 12 cases, including cases involving Code section 1222(a)(2)(A) issues.

Farm Succession Planning

Farm Bankruptcy β€” Word 'Tax' with Clock on the Office Workplace in Hutchinson, KS

Our firm understands the complexities of succession and estate planning in a family farming business.  Our team will assist you in transferring or selling ownership, compensating non-farming heirs through settlements of money and other assets, and the process of liquidating farm assets which may include auctioning livestock and equipment and selling land.

Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning

Wills β€” Old-Fashioned Will And Testament in Hutchinson, KS

Our estate planning team will discuss and prepare a customized estate plan that meets the needs of your particular situation.  We will review your assets and specific needs to ensure that you will have the peace of mind of knowing that your estate will be transferred to your loved ones in a cost effective manner.

Our clients have the option of visiting our main office or meeting with an attorney through our virtual office. Clients who choose our virtual office will enjoy the convenience of meeting from the comfort of their own home or office.   

Elder Law

Elder Law β€” Business People Negotiating a Contract in Hutchinson, KS

Our firm handles a wide range of legal matters affecting the aging population.  Our elder law team is ready to assist you with issues concerning retirement, financial planning, Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, guardianship, and long term care planning.   

Domestic/Family Law

Property Division β€” Wooden Gavel and Books on Wooden Table in Hutchinson, KS

Our domestic law team has extensive experience handling complex divorce, annulment and separate maintenance actions where the primary issues involve the valuation and division of assets and the determination of income and spousal maintenance.  We will work with valuation experts and other resources to defend or propose claims to valuable assets acquired both during and prior to the marriage.  We will work zealously to resolve your case efficiently and effectively and our attorneys are prepared to take your case to trial, if necessary.  

Debt Collection

Our firm represents businesses and individuals in the collection of past due accounts. Our debt collection team will assist you in all areas of debt collection, from the initial demand letter through post-judgment collection efforts.

Virtual Law

With the evolution of technology and use of video conferencing as an effective and efficient means of business and personal communication, we now have the ability to assist clients through our virtual office.  Avoid the time and expense of traveling to a lawyer’s office for a meeting and let us meet you where you are.  Clients who choose our virtual office will enjoy the convenience of meeting from the comfort of their own home or office. Contact us to learn more about how our virtual office can serve you.

Other Areas of Law

Our attorneys have many years of combined experience in most areas of law. We can also assist you in the areas of:


  • Real Estate Transactions
  • Corporations
  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Partnerships
  • Non Profit Organizations
  • Appellate Practice
  • Oil and Gas
  • Probate
  • Trust Administration
  • Litigation


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